
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts


I have wanted to do this for YEARS!! 

I’m not one to show projects before every single i is dotted and t is crossed. However, I’m dropping a teaser of something I’ve been working on BEFORE completion!!

My 6-Week Full Body Training Program will be available in digital form FRIDAY, JULY 23rd, of THIS WEEK!! 🀯 I have a vision of what can come from this program, along with many others I have waiting to be released. It’s currently MIDNIGHT and obviously I can’t wait to FINALLY share it all with you. πŸ˜†

Stop waiting on tomorrow!! 
Need a change?!? 

   With Health & Fitness Love,
      -Coach Katie


🀜🏼Tag a friend to challenge them to a workout!!πŸ€›πŸΌ I’ll send you one of my favorite workouts from this program when you leave your email at!! πŸ†“ Leave a comment with your favorite emoji and let’s get this excitement overflowing!! πŸ’― The best part, EVERY WORKOUT can be modified to ALL fitness levels!! πŸ”₯ NO EXCUSES!! 🀟🏼


We all have the moment that rocks our world and changes our perspective. We all have a moment that we can look back to and be like, “WOW!! You need to get it together.”
Mine was at 21-years-old in 2011…

It was nearly one year after my third sibling had passed away and I was giving away the best of me for the worst of the world. I was doing what others said I should and I had lost all care in the world.

So, as the impulsive ADHD brain of mine would have it — I signed up for my first marathon and never stopped running.

Since then, life has been FAR FROM easy. From other losses of family, to the near loss of my daughter, to the health issues of my own, and to the move that nearly broke me — life just keeps on going.

No matter what happens in life time is never going to stop. Even when we take our last breath and years pass by we can either choose to be a person worth remembering or one we ourselves would rather forget.

Once upon a time I wanted to be forgotten. It’s a dark place to want that for yourself. To have the need to be rejected because rejection has become your normal. It sucks.
However, keep going.
On the worst day, keep going.
Imperfectly Yours,


Over the years I have been very transparent with the life I live. From running marathons to fitness competitions, from career choices to health struggles, and from the loss of family to my faith; I have spoken my truth. However, this is one piece I haven’t wanted to share. I’ve kept it close to my heart, literally.

I don’t want to share for sympathy or empathy. Knowledge of this struggle is an answered prayer to myself and my husband. I’m sharing for those that feel they are struggling alone to simply say, “I’m struggling, too.”

February 11th of 2020, just before my 30th Valentine’s Birthday, I was diagnosed with MVR (Mitral Valve Regurgitation). This a form of HVD (Heart Valve Disease) that is likely congenital and cannot be reversed. After years of frustration, from medical testing that resulted in misdiagnosis after misdiagnosis, I finally learned that every symptom I have been enduring had a source. Finally, my cardiologist had an answer.

As many know, in 2004 I had a brother pass away from heart disease at 31 years of age and because of that piece of my family history my heart disease didn’t go unnoticed any longer. My age has always thrown off doctors, but my will to find the source of my health problems has persevered. My mitral valve will need to be replaced or repaired at some point, but when is an unknown.

No two days are the same, each one is taken in stride, and every moment counted as a blessing. With God guiding the way and my family by my side — my heart continues beating.


Imperfectly Yours,


At 10-years-old I was given my first inhaler for exercise-induced asthma. At 12-years-old I was diagnosed as a full-blown asthmatic. Doctors told me I would NEVER play sports or run long distances.

After the passing of my second brother I tried out for soccer in high school. My mother was apprehensive and I wasn’t all that great (I don’t need a witness on this). After practices I would use the track or go to the park to run — EVERY SINGLE DAY. I remember the first time I finally ran two miles without stopping, it was by God’s grace alone.

I always fed off what doctors would say, “You can’t this,” or “It’s not recommended that.” After my step-sister passed away, during my sophomore year of college, I lost myself and my faith to the world. BUT GOD!! By His grace, during a short and miserable run, I found my footing again. God picked me up in the middle of my HUGE messy life and carried me out of my darkness.

I’ve ran 13.1 miles at 20 weeks pregnant and some of the most world renowned 26.2 mile races. Being a marathoner with asthma isn’t common, but I choose not to listen to what the world says. Yes, I carry my inhaler and use it when needed, but I rely on God’s guidance with every stride I take.

He’s brought me out of some very dark battles and if asthma is just one of my thorns to keep me humble, I wear it proudly.

Overcoming is hard, but it’s a CHOICE worth making.

Imperfectly Yours,


"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."
-Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)

WARM-UP: Repeat X 3

Jump Squats X 10
Mountain Climbers X 30 seconds 
Jump Squats X 10
Push-ups X 10

THE WORKOUT: AMRAP in 30 minutes

20 Alternating Forward Lunges
30 Jumping Jacks
10 Push-ups
10 Burpees
20 Russian Twists
30 High Knees
30 Second Plank
10 Jump Squats

**AMRAP: as many rounds as possible


I believe it is safe to say that we each have a goal or dream that we aspire to accomplish.

As children we dream of that day that we become a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a firefighter, a police officer, etc. (At least those were some of the dreams that my generation had.) Today, I find that many people are dreaming of any job that leads to instant fame and fortune — especially jobs that require the least amount of work possible.

Maybe we have all tried to accomplish our goal by taking the easy way out. As children we are taught that cheating on a test is wrong. Why is it wrong if we get the answer right?


I know our achievements mean absolutely nothing when our time ends. What will last is the perseverance and passion by which we chose to live our lives. However, I cried twice this morning because I won’t be running Boston tomorrow. 

Have you ever achieved a goal that seems unattainable to most people — even yourself? Running the Boston Marathon was my “IMPOSSIBLE” dream and last year I achieved it. Tomorrow is Marathon Monday and I can’t help to feel like I should be crossing the start line in Hopkinton and finishing on Boylston, again.

Once, shortly after I gave birth to my daughter, I contemplated NEVER running again. I thought that my role was to be a mom, end of story. If you combine a few months of utter seclusion and non-diagnosed postpartum depression it will make a new mom brain go crazy. See, if I disobeyed God’s purpose for a role I would NEVER show my daughter an example of life lived by passion.

Running was once my way to run away from tragedies; hardships I’ve faced, deaths of siblings and loved ones. A healthy habit quickly became an unhealthy coping mechanism. I had to realize that I could run all day, but my pain would still be there. 

Running became the parallel to persevering through life and overcoming the tragedies for one finish line — eternity. Who I influence or impact along the way is within the purpose, I believe, God created for me. My pain will always have a greater purpose.

My heart is running, but I’m having to remember that what I considered “IMPOSSIBLE” was achieved in me. This challenges me. I share my journey, the tragedies and the highlights, because I know I’m not the only one. God’s mercy and grace is the ONLY reason I’m capable of doing ANYTHING and HIS STRENGTH is the ONLY way I can PERSEVERE.

I’m still breathing. There is still life coursing through my veins. He’s NOT done with me!!

Dear God, I’m ready to continue chasing “IMPOSSIBLE” dreams for your kingdom purpose.

Imperfectly Yours,



In 2011 I ran the Marine Corps Marathon. That Marathon was my very first and one I will never forget. We started the race at the Arlington Cemetery and the moment of silence during the pre-race starting line-up was breathtaking. To think that all those crosses were people who died for me and for you. 

So, this morning I was running at a local gym and wore my Marine Corps Marathon in Training shirt. On the back of this shirt reads SEMPER FI. Do you know what that means? Semper Fi is the motto of the US Marine Corps and means ALWAYS FAITHFUL. I find that to be fitting and absolutely beautiful. 

Faith is trusting what you do now know, but our Marine Corps continues on despite those unknowns. They would choose to die for a nation of people they do not know and protect at even the ultimate cost.

As I am running I feel a tap on my left shoulder and see a fairly muscular man standing behind me as he is leaving the gym. He intently sticks out his hand for a handshake and as return the gesture we firmly shake hands as he says, “SEMPER FI!” I’ve never felt so in awe and inadequate all at the same time. 

I quickly correct the misunderstanding and explain the truth behind my shirt. I tell him that I had a brother who signed up for the Marine Corps when he was of age and he tells me that he served for four years. I deeply thank him for his service and part ways. To tell you I was a blubbering mess is an understatement.

It’s been six years since I ran that race and I have worn this shirt countless times. Today was the first time that I have ever been approached in this way and it really convicted my heart. How many times do we pass by people around us and don’t acknowledge them? How many times do we pass by civilians who were once soldiers, but we don’t thank them?

Here I am — A MERE CIVILIAN — being thanked for serving a country I never served!! To say I feel inadequate is only scratching the surface, but I feel it gave me a renewed perspective on the appreciation deserved to our men and women whom have and do serve. Soldiers are some of the most humble human beings I know and they deserve respect. This leads me to one more point.

RESPECT!! We say all the time that respect is earned not given. Sorry, not sorry, if I step on toes, but our military undoubtedly deserves our respect. 

A few weeks ago, when I was getting my running coach certification, the man teaching the course asked me a question. Mind you that this man ran in the Olympic Trials back in the ‘90s so, he was already in higher standing in my eyes. Any-who, he asked me if I had served in the military. 

I told him no, but again spoke of my brother and about the short time I was a “military kid” — that’s a different story. The point of bringing this up was to affirm how the lives we lead as adults are highly navigated by influence imparted to us as children. See, he and I were having a conversation and I kept calling him “Sir.” 

First off, I’m originally from Texas and being that I am a southern woman m’am and sir and two of the first words you learn as a child. I’m currently reminding my two-year-old daily of this and it’s not the most easy task. However, this is a form of spoken respect I will go to my grave saying. 

My question, why is it that the assumption was made I was in the military because of my spoken respect? I see two lessons to be taken away from these scenarios that I hope to forever know and impart on my own daughter, discipline and respect.

Understand that I’m not talking about discipline in the sense of scolding a child or punishing someone for their misconduct. I’m talking about discipline in the sense of humbled humility, that you see your imperfections and take the necessary steps to be a “better” human. I use the word “better” loosely because we all have different views on the meaning and that’s NOT the point of this particular post. 

Waking up EARLY to perform exercises or work duties toward my self-development is not always fun. Discipline is one of the qualities I see in most men and women who have or do serve our country. Sometimes I feel inadequate and unworthy of being better, but by doing so I impart that quality on my daughter. As she gets older I pray she will see that discipline is not saying, “You are bad.” I see discipline as a way of saying, “You have potential and can be better.”  Besides, our nation and world need better.

Lastly, RESPECT. Respect is something taught and learned. We must cultivate respect in every generation, today and tomorrow. Respect is the when we acknowledge someone for committing to lay down their life for a nation of people they do not know — yet they believe in. Respect is saying, “Yes m’am. No m’am. Yes sir. No sir.” Respect is being slow to anger and humbling yourself. Respect is listening when another needs to be heard. My opinion, respect is given EVEN when we feel it has not been earned because you never know how the DISCIPLINE of showing respect will influence someone else’s life, for the better.

Imperfectly Yours,


To the known soldier and the unknown soldier, thank you. Thank you for your commitment to our nation. Thank you for protecting not just my own future, but the future of my daughter that has yet to be seen. Thank you for saying no to selfish pride, for your humbleness, your discipline and respect. You are the true heroes, may it never be forgotten. For many have paid the ultimate price that words will never console, but may your life spent always be honored. 

Thank you, soldier.


I feel like this video speaks for itself, but of course you know I have a story to add. 

I am a Matrix Fitness (MX4) instructor at Physique’s Elite in Lafayette, LA — owned by MX4 Master Trainer Khristie Gass. After teaching my daughter, 2 years and 2 months in this video, is always intrigued with the equipment in the Elite room. So, today, I CAUTIOUSLY allowed her to try out a few pieces of equipment. This video is her on the rower/erg and I must say I am very surprised at how well she did this. Yes, I know it is quite large compared to her — it’s an adult piece of equipment (why I was extremely cautious), but I must give credit where credit is due.

Children see all we do and the example we set is imperative to their future.

PARENTS: We are the influencers of the next generation. If your example is something you would not be proud of if you saw it in your child — maybe you need to start setting a new example.

Imperfectly Yours,


"How do athletes describe you as a coach?"

Our instructor asked us this as I sat in my RRCA training class a few weeks ago. However, I instantly found this a tad amusing because I have heard a number of lines that go a little like this:

"Katie is like a sour patch kid -- she seems nice and then turns slightly evil."

I laugh at this because the women that I train know that I am far from mean or evil -- I just like to give tough love when I train others. People do not pay me to let them slack off during a workout, otherwise they would be completely comfortable training themselves and not seeking the guidance of a coach or trainer.

Yet, I wrote down on my paper one word that I know is always used and that I strive to live by every single day. The word that is usually used to describe me is PASSIONATE and I can't deny the fact I am most certainly driven by PASSION.

So, why am I bringing this up?

Yesterday, my pastor preached on being a compassionate person. My pastor posted to Facebook a few weeks ago or so asking for feedback about this exact topic and here was my response:

One of my constant prayers: “Father God, break my heart for what breaks yours.” Through the answer I’m always filled with compassion and an unexplainable yearning to continuously strive to do more.
On a personal note, I have to prepare myself beforehand and PRAY because when God orchestrates how to show me that brokenness it is usually in the middle of the future MESS•age & TEST•imony to come.
By compassion I’m able to give grace and forgiveness to others. We could all use more of that.

More times than not compassion is found when you discover what breaks your heart. Sounds pretty counter-intuitive, but if you aren't moved to tears by your passion then maybe your not emotionally invested in what you are trying to achieve. If you are emotionally absent from your passion -- how can you walk in compassion? One of the characteristics of a compassionate person is that they inspire through passion.

That is what I try to do and that is what my goal is in life -- to inspire others through my passion.

I pray that PASSIONATE is always used when I'm described as a coach, trainer or anything else in this life. Even in the moments of tough love towards those I love and care for -- I am always driven by my PASSION for their betterment. PASSION is comPASSION and Christ was the purest form of PASSION.

Ask yourself this, do you like the words that come to mind when people describe the type of person you are? If not maybe it's time to reevaluate where you are right now in life and how you want to be remembered.

Imperfectly Yours,


This past Tuesday was my 27th birthday and I said I would run 28 miles. Well, I ACTUALLY ran 30 MILES!! I told my husband that something was terribly wrong with me because I felt too good to have accomplished what I did.

It amazes me how we underestimate what we can do. How we doubt our capabilities and set our own limitations. Do you do it too? I know I do!! However, we shouldn't. We should truly be fearless and go after anything and everything we've ever dreamed of!!

This video I've attached was with my daughter during my "run" and her tiring out. No, I didn't get to run very long. No, I wasn't out there training hours on end. BUT, that little girl you see -- that's my Gracie, my reason, my world. At the end of the day if I'm not proud of the example I set for her, if I'm not happy with the example of fearlessness and determination I lead for her -- is any of it even worth it? NO!!!

So, are you setting the example you have want your children to be proud of, your brothers or sisters, your nieces or nephews, your parents? Are YOU setting the example for them to look to and are you proud of it?!? If not, it's never too late or too early to change for the better and take a stand for yours and their best!! Even if the world shuns you, I'll stand with you.

Take a Stand!! Be Fearless!!

Imperfectly Yours,


It’s time I cut the crap. You know, this whole raw and real thing only works if you are RAW and REAL. So – this morning as I pull on my running tights, put on the running shirt with hat to match and lace up my running shoes…my brain is literally telling me I am the worst mother on the face of the earth.

Is it self-pity? Self-remorse?
HECK NO! You see, tragic experiences as a parent leave a lasting impact.

Seeing your child struggle for air. Seeing your child lifeless. Seeing your child helpless causes a parent to somewhere, deep down inside, question themselves. WHAT? You want the happy go lucky stay strong in every storm post? Well, to get to that point rough waters must be ridden and “self-pity” must be overcome. Letting go of the worst mother label you put on YOURSELF, must be dealt with.

Let me put your mind at ease because I am in no way ever going to say I know what it is like to lose a child because I never have. I have lost siblings and family members, but never have I ever fully lost my daughter. Not even 4 months ago, I breathed life back into my daughter’s lungs. I only wish and pray that every parent that had to give their child CPR had a happy story at the end. My heart is burdened for those parents each day and I will always remind my daughter how overwhelmingly blessed she is that she gets to breathe in a new breath of life daily; as we are all so lucky that are reading this.
But right now, in this moment as I clothe myself to go outside and run I feel unworthy. When my daughter gets sick she goes all out. She takes it as far as she can go before hitting that breaking point. Right now, she has not one, but TWO strains of the flu virus coursing through her, a painful urinary tract infection, pink eye and an ear infection in her left ear. God bless my husband and his loving words, “Babe go run I will watch her. You need to get away for just a little bit.”

My female mother brain: What?!? You want me to leave and make it look as if I do not care about our daughter? Why should I put myself first?!? She is sick and running isn’t going to help her. Running will not take the pain away. Running will not heal her. Running will not add years or quality to her life!!

Before my words are spoken my husband says, “You are an amazing mother and Gracie will be here when you are done. Go do your fearless superwoman things.”

My husband.
My rock.
My clarity.

So yeah. My baby girl is extremely sick and I’m about to go out for a long run. Not because I do not care. HEAVENS NO! It’s because I want my baby girl to be fearless in all circumstances, especially the scary ones. That is the whole point of why I am running the Boston Marathon!! On my long runs, I pray, A LOT. I pray about anything and everything I could possibly fathom and today I’ll be praying and pleading God’s healing over my daughter and every other child that is sick and every parent that prays for one more moment with their little ones.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

I promised you real and raw. I pray you hear my sincerity && the steadfast love I have for my daughter. In the overwhelming moments, she always gives me peace and a reason to be fearless. 

Imperfectly Yours,



Saturday, November 12th, I ran the Cajun Cup 10K here in Lafayette, LA with many runners I know. I ran with the amazing ladies I have the privilege to train as a running coach. These ladies dedicated their time and trust in me to prepare them for this race and it's an honor. I do all I can to prepare them and at the end of the day it is up to them to push through and finish the race, && they did.

I ran the race in under an hour and was a pretty big accomplishment for me. It was my first official race since having my daughter in July of 2015 and seeing her so interested in all the runners gave my heart all the happy feelings. She was there to see me off and cheer me through as I crossed the finish line. Sharing this lifestyle with her, instilling a healthy mindset within her, showing her how to have life full of quality -- that's what it is about.

Running means a lot to me because it has brought me out of many dark places and inspires me each and every day. I learn about myself, my dreams, my family, my goals, my strength, and so much more. Running helps evolve me and balance me. To run THE Boston Marathon is epic. I look up to Boston veterans and qualifiers with the utmost respect!!

So, in 2013 when the bombing occurred on the course of Boston my heart stopped for a moment. I literally couldn't breathe watching what was occurring and I knew no one there personally, but in some way or another I feel all runners are connected. I didn't skip a beat and as soon as my breathing began again I began putting together a "RUN FOR BOSTON" event for April 18th, 2013 at 7:15pm. We had over ONE THOUSAND people invited within the first few hours!!

Long story short we had the run, local media came out for coverage, we had about 60 people come out for the run and our hearts prayed with Boston that night. Just four days after such a horrific act had occurred runners were coming together for our running heroes. My heart breaks to this day thinking about what occurred. For the families that lost loved ones, children, I ache for those that lost so much.
Have faith when the world gives you every reason not to. Persevere, especially in the hard times, because perseverance in the presence of adversity creates change. When we keep going despite our circumstances and find the good EVEN in the bad that is the epicenter of being the calm in the storm. Choose to be the light in a world full of darkness -- ESPECIALLY when all you have left is your faith.
Be a piece of the masterPEACE of the change.

Imperfectly Yours,


From great pain comes a greater purpose && with great loss comes a greater legacy.

Prior to college I was living life on fire for God and chasing my dreams with a passion filled by Him. See, by the time I was 14-years-old two of my brothers had already passed away and honoring them fueled my existence, just to make them proud. 

My mind and heart were led off course when my step-sister passed away, at the time she was still carrying her third gorgeous daughter whom flys high with her mother in heaven, and my life was never the same. During that spring semester of my sophomore year of college I turned to a life of alcohol and partying that pushed away my loved ones leaving painful scars in the wake of my selfishness and I sabotaged my spiritual relationship for a temporal fix. I gained 60 pounds in a 6 month time frame and I was completely broken.

How was I worthy of a life when my siblings had lost theirs?! One of my brothers was 17 and died in a car wreck, another was 31 and died being morbidly obese and essentially being put to rest because of his cardiomyopathy, then my sister was so young with daughters whom were left without her. HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO GO ON?!? Yet, my Father God showed me mercy and grace by pulling me out of my self-inflicted pain, through running. At first I was running away from my problems of grief and loss, but my Father God showed me that the pain was my fuel. The pain has become my purpose in a way to show others that your life does NOT end with death. There is an eternal life to be sought after through a strength NOT our own, but HIS. "You make known to me the path of life; you fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." [Psalm 16:11]

In February 2014, two years after I graduated college, I married my high school sweetheart. Evan has shown me an unconditional love that I haven't deserved at times, but that I cherish and honor more than ever before. That November, we found out I was pregnant and running was part of that full 40 week journey. At 20 weeks pregnant I ran a half marathon and found out I was having a girl at the very end. It was the perfect gender reveal for me and my spirit. (Side Note: Upon overcoming, a healthy lifestyle and with God's guidance I have lost all the extra "comfort" weight.)

My daughter has been someone whom has given me a drive that I did not know I could possess. Those little hands, her bright aquamarine eyes and her innocent happiness stir my heart. Living a life for God that she can one day admire and look up to as an example of a sinner saved by God's grace is an honor to tackle each day and strive to do humbly.

We almost lost our daughter October of this year, but God's joy in us is bigger than the depths of hell. "May the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE as you TRUST IN HIM." [Romans 15:13] Satan seems to be at work stronger today, but my God is bigger and my faith is greater and HIS purpose is more prevalent than ever.

"RISE and GO; your faith has made you well." [Luke 17:19]

There is purpose from your pain && legacies from your losses.

Imperfectly Yours,



THE Boston Marathon.


Is this real life?!


But seriously y'all, I don't want to wake up. I don't want to be pinched out of this dream. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to run the Boston Marathon. Yet, nearly years ago, I had already built the wall and told myself I would never be able to and I tried to let go of that dream. I had convinced myself that I would never be worthy of such a race. What I didn't know was that God had bigger plans for me.

When we have our children we have this concept our dreams and desires no longer matter. We put them on the back burner and EVERYTHING revolves around our children. When I began playing into this mindset my world literally spun out of my control. I lost myself in my daughter and being the best mom I could ever be. Yet, as I was striving for what I conceived to be the "best mom ever" I was physically and emotionally silently killing myself

My husband saw the downward spiral and knew something needed to happen. For Christmas we had saved up money for us to buy a present for ourselves and by my birthday (which is on Valentine's Day) I still had not spent a dime. So, he told me to buy a treadmill.
He knows my love for running and also knew that I had not laced up my running shoes in 7 months now. I had given up on myself. My body, mind and spirit were slowly just wilting away and I lost sight of what my desires were. I replaced all I ever dreamed of with my daughter. Don't get me wrong, she is my whole world and has me wrapped around her little bitty fingers, but mommy didn't know who she was anymore. Except for being a mommy.
Finishing the Zydeco Half to find out I'm having a girl.

So running, as it has saved me before in life rose to the occasion and put the pep in my step. Running resume, for those who care, I have ran two full marathons (The Marine Corps in Washington DC in 2011 & Zydeco here in Lafayette, LA in 2014), two half marathons (Rock n Roll New Orleans in 2013 & Zydeco, again, in 2015 -- BUT -- being 20 weeks pregnant and finding out the gender of my daughter at the finish line), countless 10Ks and 5Ks as well. I had hidden my medals of all my accomplishments a few months after having my daughter. I tucked them away in a box and figured they would be good heirlooms one day. Yet, God knew the dust needed to be removed. He knew my story in life, my tests need to be spoken because my perseverance to overcome those tests is what will change the life of another.

Monday, October 24th of 2016, one week and one day after being on the floor and giving CPR to my daughter I got the phone call of a lifetime. I was chosen to be on the team of THE Kathrine Switzer. It will be 50 years ago in 2017 that Kathrine made the fearless step and ran Boston despite what the race director said. Kathrine was the first woman to run Boston and this coming April I will run that same course WITH HER!! I will stand on the starting line with the woman who started it all. I am a teammate of 261 Fearless and fearless I will be.

Our struggles are great, but our God is greater. 

Imperfectly Yours,