

At 10-years-old I was given my first inhaler for exercise-induced asthma. At 12-years-old I was diagnosed as a full-blown asthmatic. Doctors told me I would NEVER play sports or run long distances.

After the passing of my second brother I tried out for soccer in high school. My mother was apprehensive and I wasn’t all that great (I don’t need a witness on this). After practices I would use the track or go to the park to run — EVERY SINGLE DAY. I remember the first time I finally ran two miles without stopping, it was by God’s grace alone.

I always fed off what doctors would say, “You can’t this,” or “It’s not recommended that.” After my step-sister passed away, during my sophomore year of college, I lost myself and my faith to the world. BUT GOD!! By His grace, during a short and miserable run, I found my footing again. God picked me up in the middle of my HUGE messy life and carried me out of my darkness.

I’ve ran 13.1 miles at 20 weeks pregnant and some of the most world renowned 26.2 mile races. Being a marathoner with asthma isn’t common, but I choose not to listen to what the world says. Yes, I carry my inhaler and use it when needed, but I rely on God’s guidance with every stride I take.

He’s brought me out of some very dark battles and if asthma is just one of my thorns to keep me humble, I wear it proudly.

Overcoming is hard, but it’s a CHOICE worth making.

Imperfectly Yours,