

I believe it is safe to say that we each have a goal or dream that we aspire to accomplish.

As children we dream of that day that we become a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, a firefighter, a police officer, etc. (At least those were some of the dreams that my generation had.) Today, I find that many people are dreaming of any job that leads to instant fame and fortune — especially jobs that require the least amount of work possible.

Maybe we have all tried to accomplish our goal by taking the easy way out. As children we are taught that cheating on a test is wrong. Why is it wrong if we get the answer right?

By cheating, we lose out in learning and get an EASY reward. Rewards are EARNED and when we try to take away the hard work the reward will disappear quickly. 

What if a surgeon took a shortcut and decided to just use bandaids on internal wounds rather than stitches? HELLO!! That’s a life or death scenario that NO ONE wants to encounter. However, it’s the same correlation when you look at anything you want to achieve in life. 

Doing it right requires cultivating your craft. You have to spend time on what you want to achieve, being an expert takes more than a two-hour seminar or 30-days of increasing your followers on Instagram.

Just as anything worth having is worth waiting for, anything worth accomplishing is worth striving and working towards.

Do you remember the story of the turtle and the hare? The turtle won over the hare for a reason. When you add persistence and determination to achievement there is LASTING strength gained.

Short cuts only get us into trouble by self-sabotaging ourselves into thinking we can take the "easy" way out. A quick fix is literally just that -- A QUICK FIX!! That means that the fix won't last forever; eventually, we will fall short and have to start over.

STOP trying to sprint through life because you think you know the "easy" way out. A sprinter may have a short distance to cover, compared to a marathoner, but they have to work for years mastering their craft. Just as a marathoner must persist to finish, a sprinter must put in the work at a marathon tempo to reach a cheetah-like pace.

“Work hard and you’ll have all you desire, but chase a fantasy and you could end up with nothing.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭28:19‬ ‭(TPT‬‬)

Work HARD and you WILL have ALL you DESIRE. When you take away building your work ethic your desires become nothing more than a fantasy.

ACHIEVEMENT DOESN'T HAPPEN OVERNIGHT!! Stop sacrificing your dream for sub-par instant gratification. In the end, you only hurt yourself.

Imperfectly Yours,