


THE Boston Marathon.


Is this real life?!


But seriously y'all, I don't want to wake up. I don't want to be pinched out of this dream. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to run the Boston Marathon. Yet, nearly years ago, I had already built the wall and told myself I would never be able to and I tried to let go of that dream. I had convinced myself that I would never be worthy of such a race. What I didn't know was that God had bigger plans for me.

When we have our children we have this concept our dreams and desires no longer matter. We put them on the back burner and EVERYTHING revolves around our children. When I began playing into this mindset my world literally spun out of my control. I lost myself in my daughter and being the best mom I could ever be. Yet, as I was striving for what I conceived to be the "best mom ever" I was physically and emotionally silently killing myself

My husband saw the downward spiral and knew something needed to happen. For Christmas we had saved up money for us to buy a present for ourselves and by my birthday (which is on Valentine's Day) I still had not spent a dime. So, he told me to buy a treadmill.
He knows my love for running and also knew that I had not laced up my running shoes in 7 months now. I had given up on myself. My body, mind and spirit were slowly just wilting away and I lost sight of what my desires were. I replaced all I ever dreamed of with my daughter. Don't get me wrong, she is my whole world and has me wrapped around her little bitty fingers, but mommy didn't know who she was anymore. Except for being a mommy.
Finishing the Zydeco Half to find out I'm having a girl.

So running, as it has saved me before in life rose to the occasion and put the pep in my step. Running resume, for those who care, I have ran two full marathons (The Marine Corps in Washington DC in 2011 & Zydeco here in Lafayette, LA in 2014), two half marathons (Rock n Roll New Orleans in 2013 & Zydeco, again, in 2015 -- BUT -- being 20 weeks pregnant and finding out the gender of my daughter at the finish line), countless 10Ks and 5Ks as well. I had hidden my medals of all my accomplishments a few months after having my daughter. I tucked them away in a box and figured they would be good heirlooms one day. Yet, God knew the dust needed to be removed. He knew my story in life, my tests need to be spoken because my perseverance to overcome those tests is what will change the life of another.

Monday, October 24th of 2016, one week and one day after being on the floor and giving CPR to my daughter I got the phone call of a lifetime. I was chosen to be on the team of THE Kathrine Switzer. It will be 50 years ago in 2017 that Kathrine made the fearless step and ran Boston despite what the race director said. Kathrine was the first woman to run Boston and this coming April I will run that same course WITH HER!! I will stand on the starting line with the woman who started it all. I am a teammate of 261 Fearless and fearless I will be.

Our struggles are great, but our God is greater. 

Imperfectly Yours,