In the beginning, I felt that it put a strain on me, my family, our relatives, and even friends because it limited me from being able to spontaneously go ANYWHERE without preparing my food for EVERY meal and snack. There were a lot of days where I felt lost, but I’m blessed to have people in my circle that are, without fail, always there to lift my spirits. Plus, I always love a good challenge and learning how to figure it out.
Maybe this is TMI, but this morning I had a colonoscopy and it’s true what everyone says — the prep is TERRIBLE!! The results did have a few things come up, but nothing that we didn’t already know. So, the big question — if the colonoscopy came back with nothing alarming, why am was I having SOO many issues?
She doesn’t care about the medals I have from the marathons I’ve ran; not now at least.
One day I’ll tell her all the stories of the adventures mommy took as a collegiate athletic training student & trainer, the journeys I’ve taken as an adult athlete, the stories of being a running and fitness coach, and the stages I stood on competing in fitness competitions.
YET, those stories would mean nothing without the glory of God in them. Those adventures and journeys are worthless if the finish line for Christ is not where the eternal glory lies.
One day, she will know my why and reasons and that day will be glorious to tell.
The honor I strive to bring in stride and the praise to God I try to set an example of doing for her to learn from is what’s important.
Until those days, I live in moments like this. I live for the moments of her gazing in my eyes and her tiny fingers learning my face — I never want to leave these moments.
I see myself through my daughter’s eyes and the super powers I gain are beyond his world.
My girl. She changed everything.
Imperfectly Yours,
I yelled at my daughter.
As for me, I’m flying by the seat of my pants half the time and the other half I’m looking for my pants. That's another story...
Back to the whole going to bed thing. As we got she go into bed I told her, “Mommy needs to go brush her teeth." Yes, before you ask my daughter does sleep with my husband and I, still. Obviously we are a complete work in progress on the parenting end, but sometimes it's about what works for you. Parenting books DO NOT give you a perfect formula and if you find that they do work for you I'd bet you a pretty penny that you are one of the lucky ones. EMBRACE THAT!!
Oh yeah, bedtime. So, while laying in the bed she just smiled and nodded her head okay, I went straight into the bathroom. I could her rustling around and getting comfortable in bed. I came through the doorway and stopped dead in my tracks...
I was watching her as if she were a new-born babe all over again. I felt so much guilt for the yelling match of the day and was overcome with so much love. My daughter is the greatest blessing I have ever received and she is the epitome of all the love I have for my husband and Jesus. As she grows, I grow and as she learns, I learn. Patience is a virtue, but it's not my greatest trait and everyday she brings out the patience I hold deep within -- this really is a good thing. The gives me grace in a world of bitterness and reminds me of what loving unconditionally truly means.
As the years pass by I hope that one day she will look back and see this, read this and know that mommy tried the best she could.
Being a mom is literally living by faith and in that I HAVE to walk by God's guiding light -- every single day.
Don't give up my daughter, you are perfectly imperfect -- I can guide you through. AMEN!!
One of my constant prayers: “Father God, break my heart for what breaks yours.” Through the answer I’m always filled with compassion and an unexplainable yearning to continuously strive to do more.
On a personal note, I have to prepare myself beforehand and PRAY because when God orchestrates how to show me that brokenness it is usually in the middle of the future MESS•age & TEST•imony to come.
By compassion I’m able to give grace and forgiveness to others. We could all use more of that.
More times than not compassion is found when you discover what breaks your heart. Sounds pretty counter-intuitive, but if you aren't moved to tears by your passion then maybe your not emotionally invested in what you are trying to achieve. If you are emotionally absent from your passion -- how can you walk in compassion? One of the characteristics of a compassionate person is that they inspire through passion.
That is what I try to do and that is what my goal is in life -- to inspire others through my passion.
I pray that PASSIONATE is always used when I'm described as a coach, trainer or anything else in this life. Even in the moments of tough love towards those I love and care for -- I am always driven by my PASSION for their betterment. PASSION is comPASSION and Christ was the purest form of PASSION.
Ask yourself this, do you like the words that come to mind when people describe the type of person you are? If not maybe it's time to reevaluate where you are right now in life and how you want to be remembered.
Imperfectly Yours,
It amazes me how we underestimate what we can do. How we doubt our capabilities and set our own limitations. Do you do it too? I know I do!! However, we shouldn't. We should truly be fearless and go after anything and everything we've ever dreamed of!!
This video I've attached was with my daughter during my "run" and her tiring out. No, I didn't get to run very long. No, I wasn't out there training hours on end. BUT, that little girl you see -- that's my Gracie, my reason, my world. At the end of the day if I'm not proud of the example I set for her, if I'm not happy with the example of fearlessness and determination I lead for her -- is any of it even worth it? NO!!!
So, are you setting the example you have want your children to be proud of, your brothers or sisters, your nieces or nephews, your parents? Are YOU setting the example for them to look to and are you proud of it?!? If not, it's never too late or too early to change for the better and take a stand for yours and their best!! Even if the world shuns you, I'll stand with you.
Take a Stand!! Be Fearless!!
Yeah. Those my 1 am whispers that keep me up at night.
Those are the monsters that I wish would just go back and lay under my bed instead of in my head.
Yeah. I hate those 1 am whispers.
Those whispers that tell you that you can't do it. Those whispers that say," You don't know anyone generous enough. No one really thinks you can accomplish this goal anyway so why keep kidding yourself?!?"
Yeah. I hear them too. I hear them in the moments when I am tired and exhausted. I hear them when I am at my weakest and even at my strongest.
However. There is a choice to be made at around 1:02 am when all you want to do is scream at the voice in your head telling you that you aren't good enough!!
You rebuke those voices and tell them to go back to the pits of hell that they came from because you are going to step out!! You are about to do something that God has qualified within you!! You are about to do something that God has chosen to make you worthy of and that He has placed inside of you with a burning passion of desire.
Hebrews 12:1 mandates this, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us." He says not just to run the race, but to ENDURE the race. To endure proves that trials will come during the journey and hardships will attempt to trip you up, but that does not mean you are to succumb to the world -- to the whispers.
When all is said and done I want to be able to stand before God on my judgement day and say with humbled confidence, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith," said in 2 Timothy 4:7. I don't want to just to finish the race, but keep the faith in finishing!
Yeah. While I sit here at 1:10 am and rebuke the voices, I will choose to arise for His kingdom, for His glory and for His honor. Today, tomorrow and always.
Claim that which God has put within you and make it your goal for this world.