


Today, I “raised my voice” when speaking to my daughter.

Okay. You're right, that's a lie. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck — it’s probably a duck.

I yelled at my daughter.

Don’t even start to tell me you’ve NEVER lost your cool. Look, there’s only one Mrs. Duggar out there and I bet before the double digits of kids she had her fair share of “moments” — however I honestly have NO IDEA!! (This is purely speculation for I have never met any of the Duggars.)

As for me, I’m flying by the seat of my pants half the time and the other half I’m looking for my pants. That's another story...

Anywho, today had good parts and emotional parts. I avoided going to the store because — well — I’ve already told y’all how those temperamental days turn out if I try to venture into the adult world, chaos & scenes ensue and any amount of praying I do is for me to not have an emotional breakdown in public.

My daughter is seriously one of the most loving and compassionate people I know, but she reminds me of fireworks. Even though they’re beautiful you can’t have them without the crack and pop. Gracie Elizabeth is definitely a firecracker!! 

After having a rough moment before laying down for bedtime I calmed us both down, (I started having us close our eyes and count to 10 together as one of our coping strategies — it’s really been doing us both a lot of good). This has been good when we're at home and anxiety gets the better of both of us. She is usually crying and I am usually crying when things like this happen, but by the time it is over we in a much better mood. I have a positive outlook that this will work in our public outings, I'll keep you posted.

Back to the whole going to bed thing. As we got she go into bed I told her, “Mommy needs to go brush her teeth." Yes, before you ask my daughter does sleep with my husband and I, still. Obviously we are a complete work in progress on the parenting end, but sometimes it's about what works for you. Parenting books DO NOT give you a perfect formula and if you find that they do work for you I'd bet you a pretty penny that you are one of the lucky ones. EMBRACE THAT!!

Oh yeah, bedtime. So, while laying in the bed she just smiled and nodded her head okay, I went straight into the bathroom. I could her rustling around and getting comfortable in bed. I came through the doorway and stopped dead in my tracks...

I was watching her as if she were a new-born babe all over again. I felt so much guilt for the yelling match of the day and was overcome with so much love. My daughter is the greatest blessing I have ever received and she is the epitome of all the love I have for my husband and Jesus. As she grows, I grow and as she learns, I learn. Patience is a virtue, but it's not my greatest trait and everyday she brings out the patience I hold deep within -- this really is a good thing. The gives me grace in a world of bitterness and reminds me of what loving unconditionally truly means.

As the years pass by I hope that one day she will look back and see this, read this and know that mommy tried the best she could.

Being a mom is literally living by faith and in that I HAVE to walk by God's guiding light -- every single day.

Don't give up my daughter, you are perfectly imperfect -- I can guide you through. AMEN!!

Imperfectly Yours,