Dear Gracie,
I’m sorry.
I’m sorry I can’t give you all that you could ever want.
I hope you see I do everything I can to give you what you need.
I’m sorry that I can’t be the very best.
I hope you see that I still strive to be in everything I do.
I’m sorry that I've failed more times than I can count.
I hope one day you know that this is sometimes how you learn to succeed.
I'm sorry I can’t provide for you like other moms do for their children.
I hope one day you know that I choose and love being home with you every day.
I’m sorry for the times I’ve had to say no.
I hope you see that the no days are what make the yes days so much sweeter.
I’m sorry I don’t always get it right.
I hope you see that my wrong days are the days I learn humble humility.
I’m sorry mommy isn’t perfect, but mommy is perfectly imperfect.
I hope you never strive for perfection because you, too, are perfectly imperfect.
One day, baby girl, you will know the sacrifice, the hard work, the heartache, and the guilt that comes with being a mother. One day, I hope you understand that mommy only wants the very best and I try to give that to you in every way possible.
I’ll NEVER be sorry for having you — you gave me life when I wasn’t quite sure what was left. You give me that every single day.
I hope, one day, you see that love doesn't lie in the size of our house (especially since mommy and daddy have a new dream in mind), the number of toys you have, the amount of clothes we own, but in our hearts.
Just so, Christmas isn't defined by the type or amount of decorations we have around the house, the amount of money we spend on gifts or the number of presents you have under our little 24 inch snowman Christmas tree. ((That flamingo is a whole other story.))
I hope you remember the times that mommy stops to give the homeless man our food, the moments when we go to a drive-thru and purchase food for the woman who doesn't have a warm meal to eat. Those are the memories I want to instill in your little mind and put on your heart. I pray I show you these things each and every day and not just during the holidays.
I love you more than you will ever know and pray I am doing all God would have me do in your life. I don't get it right all the time, but for the most part -- I'd like to think I'm doing alright.
Imperfectly Yours,