This morning I was listening to interviews that Smith did years ago and two points stuck out to me. I've heard these interviews time and time again because I actually listen to motivational speeches during my workouts. However, this morning, these interviews struck chords in me in a different way.
Will Smith once said, "Greatness is something that truly exists in all of us...I know who I am, I know what I believe, and I’m willing to die for it."
I think we can all just let that sink in for a moment or two.
In another interview Smith said, “The only thing that I see that is distinctly different about me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill. You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, but if we get on the treadmill together there’s two things; you’re getting off first or I’m gonna die. It’s really that simple.”
Hearing this, repeating this over and over, it makes me emotional.
I've said for years that there are two keys to accomplishing your goals; know your why and be determined to never give up. At the end of the day your determination to persevere is propelled by your why. Your why is what you look to when you feel that you are on the brink of quitting. When you get to a point of no return you remember why you started in the first place.
Why is not the number on a scale, why is not the number in a bank account -- your why fuels you with passion to fight against all odds. On your weakest day, your why makes you stronger. On your lowest day, your why causes you to rise to the occasion and KEEP GOING!!
Why isn't so much what pushes you, but what are you willing to die for? When we are willing to give our all, no matter the cost, and continue in the pursuit of our beliefs with passion -- you've found your why.
Your reason why will never stop you from living -- in fact your reason why will tell you to NEVER GIVE UP!!
Do that -- NEVER GIVE UP -- your reason why is counting on you.
Imperfectly Yours,