

NEVER had one perfect day. 

Maybe today she won't have a temper tantrum.
Maybe today she won't try climbing on the oven. 
Maybe today she won't attempt eating dog food.
Maybe today she won't take her clothes off and run around naked.
Maybe today she won't try playing with the electrical sockets. (YES. They are "baby proofed" BUT that doesn't stop my little engineer.)

With so many maybes looming around and waiting to be answered there's one fact that remains true. On all these days of maybe -- she needs me. She needs me to teach her. She needs me to guide her. She needs me to show her right from wrong. She NEEDS ME, her mother.

We have A LOT of maybe days.
But she still NEEDS me. 

&& knowing that makes the maybe days perfect.

Imperfectly Yours,


She turned 16 months November 23rd!
She thinks she turned 16-years-old.

Tantrums? Oh yes. We started those. The ones where she dramatically throws her entire body into those flailing possessed-looking back-bends. They're super fun!!

I'm a marathoner momma and my child seems to test me more than any distance ever could. My patience runs low and I must put my mind in the right place because when those tantrums go nuclear I have to be prepared for the storm ahead.

My point? It's hard.
New moms? It's okay.
Veteran moms? GOD BLESS YOU!

Here's my other thing. Moms with more than one child, I don't know how you do it. I truly commend you! HOWEVER, please be kind and remember what it was like when you only had one child. Remember the fear of not knowing and remember the self-doubt you put upon yourself when you did not know what to do.

I say this because many times in passing or conversation I hear women say, "Oh sweetie you only have one child so you shouldn't complain. That's a walk in the park compared to my FIVE!" Momma with five children, you're right. It is a walk in the park, but having more than one child doesn't make someone more of a mother than a woman with one child. I say this graciously and from the bottom of my heart, being a mother is such a blessing in WHATEVER WAY you became a momma!! 

Mommas, whether you have one child or three children -- help one another!! Motherhood should not be a place to one up your lady friends, save that for Mario Brothers. The teenaged-toddler years are hard enough preparing us for the real teenage years later on.

Let's stop comparing our walks in motherhood and advise each other instead. Motherhood is a blessing, let's choose to do more in honoring that role.

Be a PEACE in the storms && SHARE your WISDOM.

Imperfectly Yours,