

Yep. Target is life totally makes sense to basically ANY woman. Let's be honest moms, Target was there before we had kids. Now we just have less money to blow spend. When we walk into our second home Target we must prepare for battle. Don't believe me? You must not be a mom, yet.

First, my daughter and I HAVE to go to the Dollar Bin Section (when walking towards Target's doors it will be at the left entrance, at least at my Target). By the way, this isn't the Dollar Tree Section so I get pretty bummed when all the good stuff is $3, or $5 if you're fancy like that. Nonetheless we check the bins, I never know what has been stocked since our last shopping trip, yesterday.

BUT SERIOUSLY -- who decided it was OK to put all the kid stuff next to the pretty adult things? I would like to have the option to consider purchasing an "adult" coloring book without preventing my 14-month-old from bungee jumping out of the cart for Dory, Nemo, Princess Sophia or every other Disney character that I readily know the theme song to. K? Thanks!

**DEAR NON-PARENTS:  Please do not judge the fact we no longer use the seat cart-belt. I would rather have a smiling munchkin and prevent bungee jumping escapades than the real life HULK who disrupts the ENTIRE store when that little strap touches her tummy!! You are welcome.

One day as I continued shopping towards the actual grocery area with Nemo socks and Crayola bath bubbles in tow I quickly realize that when I put the adult coloring book back on the shelf there was now $3 to spend. Of course spend in the clearance section of ... DRUMROLL PLEASE ... children's clothing! Yes, the swimsuit my daughter I was dying to buy was marked down, clearly, just for me to take home and put away for next year. #WINNING I'm a mom and thinking ahead is totally my new thing. It's just the whole remembering what was on my shopping list that I wrote before I drove to Target that I forget, it may be on the kitchen table or countertop. #TheStruggleIsReal True story people! #MomBrainOnFLEEK (Also, can someone tell me what fleek means? I don't get it.)

Well, on this particular day as I'm heading to the party produce section, I find myself running into the lady that desperately needed my daughter's attention. I get it, she did not know that my daughter's teething game was strong and that her mommy needs were not being met by me actually carrying her through the store while shopping. NO! But rest assured she got to see her beautiful aquamarine eyes shed just enough tears to signal those flight instincts to scurry away. YAY YOU!!

Y'all, everything up until then was literally baby games. It's those moments that my strength is weakened, my patience is tested, and my humility is put on a giant screen television; which I know the electronics department was streaming live from the security cameras. The looks, the stares, and the eye rolls all darted towards me from every innocent bystander (non-moms), but I suddenly didn't see them. Comforting my daughter and finishing this shopping trip in one piece PEACE was all that mattered. I felt hopeless and defeated. I quietly cried out.

Praying for composure I closed my eyes for a brief moment asking God to please just let us get home. Asking God to comfort me so I could supply my daughter's needs. In Jesus' name I prayed, AMEN.

Heading to the checkout the screams continued, but I kept my composure. Standing in line I realized I forgot the eggs for breakfast the next morning, but I so did not leave my fourth place in line for those -- He made me a way to the checkout for a reason.

As I purchased all the groceries, the swimsuit, the bubbles, and the Nemo socks I felt empowered. We made it through ALIVE!! The walk to the car only amplified my joy as my daughter bounced with laughter while riding in the cart, with my shopping list miraculously appearing in her hands. Typical.

God's grace is all-sufficient, ESPECIALLY during the tiresome moments. As we know the needs of our children, our Father knows the needs of His. Her smile was all I needed. His comfort is always enough.

Imperfectly Yours,