

We have this idea or notion of who we are going to be.

Then, when we don’t become the idea or notion of who we thought we would be we regard it as failure. We say that we fail because we didn’t become the idea of what an 18-year-old teenager thought of us.

As we age — we evolve. 
As we evolve — we transform.

God didn’t spend an eternity waiting to plant you into the universe for the idea of your fleshly teenage dreams, but for the purpose of Himself — we are God’s purpose. He created us to fulfill His purpose.

As I enter into 2020, and ponder what my 30th Valentine Birthday will look like, I think of who my 18-year-old self wanted me to be. I praise God I was her, but thank God I am not her. 

For over a decade I have had many failures, but I am not the failure. Out of failure I have accomplished some of life’s greatest triumphs. Out of deep and seemingly irrevocable pain I found (and choose to keep finding) a higher purpose. Out of valleys I have climbed the tallest mountains of my life and my strength had nothing to do with it. God used me as a vessel, just as He wants to do with each of us.

Where He leads — I will follow. 
When I am weak — God is stronger.

Here && now. 
That’s where I’m meant to be.

Imperfectly Yours,


As we are promoted in position someone has to have faith and trust in our ability. If God, the one who created us all, had enough faith in NOT JUST His perfect son Jesus, but in the example He would set — why can’t we?

God didn’t JUST trust Jesus, but He trusted that the example would also change the lives of others. I feel He also had to have trust that we as humans would transform. God had so much FAITH and LOVE in US that He sent His ONE and ONLY son to die for our sins!!

So, next time you doubt your ability or the capability of another just think about how much God trusted His son and His example. Trust God that He set you in a position to promote others and trust the example He allowed you to set for others.

Whether it be in a workplace or in your children (I allow y’all to come back in 15 years and tell me the same thing about my own daughter and the example I set for her) you are positioned to lead, but you can’t lead WELL unless you FOLLOW Christ and the example He set for us, first.

When God gives perspective — life is never the same.

Imperfectly Yours,


At 10-years-old I was given my first inhaler for exercise-induced asthma. At 12-years-old I was diagnosed as a full-blown asthmatic. Doctors told me I would NEVER play sports or run long distances.

After the passing of my second brother I tried out for soccer in high school. My mother was apprehensive and I wasn’t all that great (I don’t need a witness on this). After practices I would use the track or go to the park to run — EVERY SINGLE DAY. I remember the first time I finally ran two miles without stopping, it was by God’s grace alone.

I always fed off what doctors would say, “You can’t this,” or “It’s not recommended that.” After my step-sister passed away, during my sophomore year of college, I lost myself and my faith to the world. BUT GOD!! By His grace, during a short and miserable run, I found my footing again. God picked me up in the middle of my HUGE messy life and carried me out of my darkness.

I’ve ran 13.1 miles at 20 weeks pregnant and some of the most world renowned 26.2 mile races. Being a marathoner with asthma isn’t common, but I choose not to listen to what the world says. Yes, I carry my inhaler and use it when needed, but I rely on God’s guidance with every stride I take.

He’s brought me out of some very dark battles and if asthma is just one of my thorns to keep me humble, I wear it proudly.

Overcoming is hard, but it’s a CHOICE worth making.

Imperfectly Yours,


When the flame of your passion is lit in your spirit your ONLY option is to PURSUE it!! Pursue your passion and fan the flame that was placed within your heart.

Some won’t understand it.
Many will try to talk you out of it.
But, God.

Turn your focus away from those who cast stones and drag your name through the mud. Let your integrity speak for itself and your actions reign louder than their words.

Let no man deter what God puts on your heart because He who is within you is GREATER than he who is in this world.


Imperfectly Yours,


If God gives you a revelation it’s probably an indication that you need to make an alteration somewhere in your life. 

Batteries won’t work if you never put them to use and the device they’re meant to activate will never fulfill it’s purpose. The Holy Spirit can’t work if you NEVER ALLOW it to be activated within yourself!!

Faith is activated by ACTION!!
Faith WITHOUT good God works is DEAD!!

“So you see, we are shown to be right with God by what we do, not by faith alone.” 
James 2:24

Maybe you're waiting on God to change your situation. You're tired, feeling weary, and the light seems to be getting dimmer at the end of the tunnel.

BUT GOD, but God is waiting on your obedience to what He is calling you to be persistent in, so that, His promise is fulfilled.


You want change when God needs a revelation for the transformation to happen!!

You are the change.
You are the revelation.
Let God use you for the TRANSFORMATION!!

If your situation hasn't changed, He's not done with you yet!!

Imperfectly Yours,