

Day One (07.26.2015)

They say there's nothing like a mother's touch - but I think - there's NOTHING like the touch from your child. I've never felt so entirely helpless. May God watch our little glow worm angel and give her His strength and healing for a speedy recovery. 

Mommy and Daddy love you Gracie Elizabeth, more than you will ever know.

Day Two (07.27.2015)

Thank you to everyone for all the love and prayers for Miss Glow Worm. Our little family truly appreciates and receives it.

Miss Gracie Elizabeth Eddington

Today, my daughter was born at 1:05 pm weighing 6 pounds 15 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. Miss Gracie Elizabeth Eddington, you've stolen mine and your daddy's hearts.

Imperfectly Yours,

The Night Before You

It is the final night I fall asleep with my daughter below my heart. Tonight is the last night of her sweet hiccups and kicks unseen to the world. In the morning it'll be the last time I awake and not know the look of her little face, hands and toes. These are the final breaths I'll breathe that are used for my life and my little Gracie. Tomorrow I will hold my daughter in my arms for the first time, but until then -- I'll cherish our final moments of just her and me.

Imperfectly Yours,

13 Days Before You

This right here -- this is our little family and we make each other happy every single day. Maybe not all day every day, but each day we strive for the betterment of one another. And above all things we love -- a love that is irrevocable and unconditional.

Imperfectly Yours,

Before I Knew You -- I Protected You

Everything is in God's beloved hands.

Today, a choroid plexus cyst was found on my baby's brain and an EIF was found on the baby's heart. I will go in for blood chromosomal testing on Tuesday and the cyst will be follow-uped in 10 weeks. Basically, we have to wait and see what happens during this time. 

Imperfectly Yours,

Dear Baby,

Mommy and daddy got news from the doctor that you are already a very special little human. You have a little extra special place in your brain that makes you even 10X more precious to life. Your little heart has an extra special light on it during pictures that mommy and daddy can see. But we know that it stores all the love God has for the world in you. You're a special little human and Mommy says many prayers each day for the day I get to meet you. You have so many that love and adore you already that they pray for you too. 

Daddy loves to listen to you swim in Mommy's tummy and you melt his heart with every kick you make. You're one active baby in there and mommy loves to feel every move you make.

Mommy loves you baby, always.