


In order to live the life you’ve never lived -- you have to do things you’ve never done.

Seems simple enough, right?

BUT — some of those things are going to take you out of your box of comforts and make you uncomfortable. Some days you will LITERALLY have to stare into the eyes of your reflection and say, “YOU can do this. YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS!!”

Time and time again you are going to repeat those words. Then, one day, it will suddenly click. You will change your inner narrator and say, “I CAN do this. I WAS BORN FOR THIS!!”

Most of us, me especially, are our own worst critics. We can easily edify others, but inside we tear ourselves apart. We must believe in ourselves in order to fully achieve our purpose.
We each have the power to EMPOWER ourselves. It won’t happen overnight because it has taken since your birth for your thought process to get to where it is today. However, you can slowly find ways to refocus your thought pattern, even by a simple narration change.

I am still working on the “I” part in my reflection, but by saying “YOU” I can also visualize the people that have built me up. I can see the people that have impacted my life, either here or gone too soon, that uplifted me.

Surround yourself with people that believe in you and your purpose; hear their words, visualize them, and see yourself attaining your purpose.

We all need a “YOU” in our lives and while your “I” is under construction YOU can absolutely be your own “YOU”.

It won’t be easy, but when you choose to OVERCOME the daily struggles of life you will gain the freedom you need to live the life you have always dreamed of having.

Sometimes — the worst place we can be is in our own head. We have to mindfully manage our internal emotion in order to control our external actions. Therefore, we must also manage our minds to think positively about ourselves.

Don’t make permanent decisions based on temporary feelings.

I know many, including myself, that battle against the enemy’s attack within their mind. Satan will put doubt into you that should never be there. He will rear his ugly head in the worst ways possible, so, you must be prepared for the enemy’s attack!!

Allow God to come in and change your mind about yourself. Let life be spoken into you and flow out of you. Praise God that He is ALWAYS there to pull us out when we feel defeated or broken. Praise God for His mercy and patience with us. 

Today is the future of yesterday you were made for.
Your existence is a God-ordained PURPOSE!! 

You were born for this.

Imperfectly Yours,