

Transparency. Heartache. Rigidity. Work. Time. Patience.

It's like trying to glue together a shattered window pane. No matter how much effort you put into putting the pieces back together you are always going to see the cracks. You are never going to be able to completely smooth out every scar that is left behind.

You can heal wounds, but scars will always be there.

Scars are the remnants of the negativity you overcame -- of the trial you chose to persevere through.

Often times we hold onto situations, people, friends, and loved ones that suffocate the little flame left behind. We start to literally squeeze the life out of ourselves, rather than removing ourselves, because we don’t want to hurt others.

Where is the line?
When do we start to put ourselves first?

We draw the line and say, “I am enough,” TODAY!!

Stop sacrificing your life, intelligence, health, values, morals, and beliefs to be accepted by a man-made standard. It won’t be easy to let go of those people you had a false sense of comfort and security within, but it is right to let them go. 


Set the tone of the legacy you want to leave behind. 
Lead by example.
Walk the walk you preach and teach.
Never self-loathe and always keep striving.

Overcome. Strive. Thrive.
&& know, you’re not alone.

Imperfectly Yours,