

She draws me in — EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Seriously, like a bug to a freakin light.

Maybe it’s her feet. The way that she crosses them just so, one foot over the other. How about that placement? She even has one foot fully planted on the ground. She’s not even straining!!


I think it’s the PURPLE flowers. Her favorite color is purple and don’t you dare tell her otherwise, I learned that the hard way. It’s all fun and games until you jokingly make it seem realistic that purple can be someone else’s favorite color. 


I’m off track though. 

BUT SERIOUSLY — those flowers. See how she placed them right beside her Elsa plate? 

“Momma look. THEY MATCH!!”

OR — maybe it’s the fact she took it upon herself to even create this picnic. She’s 2 1/2 years old, but most days I wonder how old her soul really could be.

Oh my goodness!! Look at how she leans ever so gently. She has methodically placed her back left arm with most of her weight centered on the heel of her hand. 

She charismatically smiles and laughs with her imaginary friends before she verbally states, “You see em momma?! Gracie use imagination.”

Then, she overly exaggerates her head nods — as if saying “yes” to herself about the imagination thing.

Did I mention she’s only been around for TWO YEARS AND SIX MONTHS?!?

It could possibly be how she eats with such focus. She picks up each piece of pizza as if it were her last meal. Looking it over and making sure she can’t see any of her self-concluded pizza imperfections.

She makes me giggle.
And smile, a lot.

Y’all, my girl does love her bows. She genuinely loves to wear a bow every single day!! 


She’s my little girl that lives in a dream world. I know that it’s not realistic for her to stay in her dream world forever, but for now — she can. I pray I let her stay there as long as possible before growing up becomes a permanent state of affairs.

The best part, she likes to bring me into her dream world. It’s full of a lot of story telling and imagination. I know it’s not a livable world, but sometimes it’s what makes the real world viable. 

For brief moments we get to believe in the magic of fairy dust, that a Babylon candle will transport you through time, that the tik-tok of a clock resides in the belly of a crocodile, and that I am Momma Olaf.

Yeah, I like our dream world. 

One day, I know, we will both have to wake up and smell the coffee — BEFORE I add my off-brand caramel macchiato creamer.

Until then, we will continue living for purple picnic days. 

AND — on really, REALLY good days we will eat the pizza GUILTLESSLY. 

I truly love our little dream world.

Imperfectly Yours,