

We’ve become so entranced with a facade of perfection that we, too, have stopped giving humanity a chance. Highlight reels have become hamster wheels and we’re chasing the impossible.

We’re no longer accepting of the bad days because we think they don’t coincide with the mountains we’re chasing. Don’t you realize the bad days are where strength is gained to climb the mountain?

Besides, you can’t remain on a mountain forever. Don’t you know that even volcanoes erupt when the stress is too much? Then, they take centuries to build up again — what makes you think that we are any different?

The process of preparation is no longer accepted by man because instant gratification isn’t fast enough anymore. What is enough if you aren’t satisfied even when you reach the mountain?

We have to get back to the raw reel of people instead of the highlight reel. Yet, it starts with yourself. Scars tell the tale of someone who is still standing after they’ve won the battle. Even soldiers have war stories and it’s in those stories where respect is gained.

You are a soldier in God’s army, tell your story, you never know who you will inspire to pick up their shield, pick up their sword and go to battle for the greater good.

Imperfectly Yours,